We are known for our high-performance metal powders, but first and foremost Equispheres is a materials science engineering firm. Our deep knowledge of metallurgy and metal technology is what allows us to produce powders with the performance and properties we do. By sharing our research, insights and white papers we hope to help the entire industry advance faster and achieve more, sooner. Browse all available videos, papers and reports below or contact us for any specific queries or to talk to one of our Materials Science Experts.
Trends in Metal Additive Manufacturing: The Importance of Powder
Panel discussion on the importance of powder to metal additive manufacturing with a very diverse group of experts that span the spectrum from powder production, all the way to powder
Webinar: Improving Performance and Quality in Aluminum Additive Manufacturing
Increasing productivity in metal additive manufacturing will accelerate the widescale adoption of the technology in manufacturing. As the technology matures, it is becoming increasingly evident that the feedstock used in
Webinar: Accelerating Metal Additive Manufacturing – the Importance of Powder / Printer Combination
Modern high precision and highly controllable powder-bed fusion printers combined with specialized powder specifically tailored for AM can significantly increase the speed of part production and dramatically reduce costs.
Understanding the Factors Influencing Powder Spreadability For Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Powder flow behaviour is an important aspect in powder-based additive manufacturing technology, which relies on good spreadability to obtain a consistent powder layering that will
High-Performance Aluminum Powder: Fueling Metal AM Market Growth
Learn how our innovative, high performance aluminum powder is pushing the metal additive manufacturing market forward.
Impact of Powder Size, Size Distribution and Morphology on Additive Manufacturing
The morphology and consistency of metal powder feedstock has a profound impact on the quality, integrity and reliability of parts produced using additive manufacturing. Analysis