Equispheres’ breakthrough atomization technique produces a near-perfect powder. Its uniform size, sphericity, and consistent microstructure — as well as smoother surface and thinner oxide layer — result in more rapidly manufactured metal parts with superior mechanical properties.
Performance Data for NExP-1 AlSi10Mg
Material Data Sheet: NExP-1 AlSi10Mg
Equispheres Inc., November 2022
This datasheet provides reference data for parts printed with Equispheres NExP-1 – AlSi10Mg™ powder on various classes of AM equipment.
Equispheres’ breakthrough materials technology produces a near-perfect powder. Its uniform size, sphericity, and consistent microstructure — as well as smoother surface and thinner oxide layer — result in more rapidly manufactured metal parts with superior mechanical properties.
This datasheet provides reference data for parts printed with Equispheres NExP-1 AlSi10Mg powder. To determine the best parameters for your application, contact Equispheres.