
Whitepaper: The Problem With Additive Metal Manufacturing

The promise of additive manufacturing (AM) as a disruptive technology has been discussed in engineering circles for decades and promoted in the mainstream media for years. The benefits of AM – design freedom, weight savings, assembly simplification, economic batch size reduction – have all been achieved to some degree by those adopting the technology.

Impact of Powder Size, Size Distribution and Morphology on Additive Manufacturing

The morphology and consistency of metal powder feedstock has a profound impact on the quality, integrity and reliability of parts produced using additive manufacturing. Analysis and tests conducted using AlSi7Mg powder provided by various suppliers in both powder-bed and direct energy device printers have identified the influence and importance of powder characteristics such as particle size, size distribution, sphericity, oxide layer thickness, microstructure, fines, agglomerates and surface condition on the resultant additively manufactured part.

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